Thursday, December 9, 2010
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
An interesting blog
I am not sure, if it is written by the real Julia herself - you can never be sure what is written by whom on the internet if you do not know the author in person - but now I do believe that she has studied English literature.
For me it was worth reading just because I was thinking that way yesterday. It might do some good to you, too
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Labels: atradums, atstāsts, literatūra / literature, love song, memory remains
Tuesday, December 7, 2010
Testēju BITE Kurzemē
Sunday, November 21, 2010
Bezmaksas grāmatas
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Labels: atradums, info, literatūra / literature, memory remains
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Tolerance LV 2: lielā - pret homofobiem un dikti mazā - pret rusofobiem
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Labels: atradums, atstāsts, doma, jautājums / question, pure hate, skrobe
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Lattelecom ātrums nav kā līgumā
Nez, kāpēc man ar Lattelecom optiku 3 (100) uzrāda vidēji 20568 kbps. Varbūt tāpēc, ka tas nav Lattelecom paša hostētais
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Labels: atradums, atstāsts, jautājums / question, skrobe, technical
Sunday, November 7, 2010
iMac ieviešana
Lai pie galda vairs nemocītu nabaga MB pie Full HD ekrāna, ko videokarte pacelt spēja, bet panest nē, iegādāts iMac.
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Labels: atstāsts, knifs, Mac, memory remains, technical
Saturday, November 6, 2010
Kārtējā bezjēdzīgā valdība
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Friday, October 1, 2010
Testēju Triatel modemu (Saulkrasti)
4. Saulkrasi, defaultā antena, vads 0,32
5. Saulkrasti, lielāka antena, vads 1,04
6. Saulkrasti, lielāka antena, Wifi, mazliet vēlāk 0,8
7. tāpat kā (6) 1,02 Pagaidām Rīgā un Saulkrastos zaudē LMT gan ātruma, gan cenas, gan modema izmēra ziņā. Bet īstais tests dziļos laukos vēl priekšā. Nav starpības pa vadu vai pa Wifi. Protams, stāstīt pa telefonu, ka wifi esot atsevišķs pakalpojums par papildus maksu, nebija gluži smuki.
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Thursday, September 30, 2010
Testēju Triatel modemu
2. Rīga, dzīvoklis, WiFi
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Sunday, September 26, 2010
Vienkārši atpūta. Nekā jauna un nekādas iedvesmas.
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Labels: atstāsts, citāts, doma, literatūra / literature
Atvasaras svētdienas vakars
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Tas dod iespaidu par pasauli un dabu kopumā. Viens mazs dzīvības fragments kokā. Katrs zars unikāls, putni u.t.t.
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Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Trying out TweetDeck on Win XP
private Mac I already have Tweetie and like it a lot.
Choose to try .
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Labels: social network, technical
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
'Emperor' Emerald Found in North Carolina: Big Pics : Discovery News
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Labels: atradums
Monday, August 30, 2010
"Kampējs" par velti pirmajiem ciktur tūkstošiem apmeklētāju piedāvā lejuplādēt grāmatu "Kampējs" par brīvu. Es paguvu tikt pie bezmaksas PDFa. Ja godīgi, tad par maksu neņemtu.
Lapsas miljonāru grāmata bija nevērtīgākā grāmata, ko par ilgiem gadiem bija nelaimējies iegādāt. Papīra izniekošana. Necieņa pret manu laiku. To pašu domu varēja uzrakstīt daudz īsāk. Lapsa varbūt arī ir sabiedrības sargsuns (vai Sorosa kucēns...), bet līdz labam literātam tur tālu. Garlaicīgi ūdensgabali.
Labi, likšu ka nu mierā dāvāta zirga protēzes un iešu ka pagulēt pirms darba dienas.
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Labels: atradums
Good ideas from TED
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OMG! "More" Works!!!
The nicest thing is, that Posterous' "#" continued with "more" gives a nice span even in Blogger!!! It seems I still need my End-of-a-post symbol "BEIGAS / END" if I do not use "More". Just for Blogger
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Trying out the power of Posterous
I hope to get rid of spannig for good. See...
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Sunday, August 29, 2010
Why do I post so rare here?
Why have not I blogged for a while? Do I have nothing to say? Have not red anything? Of course, no. This is not the case!
Then why to have a long time off blogging?
Yes, a lot of other things to do. And even beeing online almost all the time. And even publishing and noting things.
Why not here? -Shortly, because takes to much time to communicate a thought. And putting the thought in the right format takes to long. Why not, there are even features of posting from e-mail or mobile phone (not mention I own an iPhone 3G)? The main reason still is the very old one: I am writing very much slower than I am thinking. I have no idea, what to do to improve this. Would you like audio blog entries more than none at all? - I am not sure about that. I have been thinking about technical means, like an app (or a nice old program for my Mac) which could turn spoken text into writing. There are some quite good programs in English, but none in my native Latvian. And... those damn things still are not able to put references to web pages and even HTML tags into dictated text! Is there anything better in referencing even a whole site than Evernote? That was about blogging as an old and dying way of communication... But a short time ago there was a success and unsucces list of web sites in TIME tweets. Who still reads TIME? - No one, of course. At least no one is going to admit that. But there was a good idea to think about: they wrote that is not popular anymore, that all cool kids move to Tumblr and one more site lv "new media specialist" @arturs advertised. I am to lazy to look for refrences, sorry. Or, to be precise, I could not find them on my Mac for 10 minutes I tried to. So you can take my word on it or just forget it. Assuming that about getting less popular and cool kids moving (or starting) their blogs on other sites. Why do they do so? What do those sites have, that has not? Exept inability to log in with a Gmail account? I wrote such a long story just trying out OmmWriter.
See my tweets on the left side? Almost every day. Some days tens of tweets.
Evernote. A lot of notes. I even partially keep work related notes there (not published, as you might guess).
It requires, a little, but still requires HTML. Is it hard? -No. Do I have Typinator to write the tags for me? -Yes. It still takes to much time and.... yes, my own writing, to post something not fully copy-pasted or linked from somewhere.
It takes too much effort to quote a web page or two!
In Twitter or Evernote its just a click. And a little of typing just to add my comment.
Is there a tool which might help to write a short entry as fast as a tweet in Tweetie?
Is there any fastest way to publish some pictures than Picasa or Flickr?
1) They are better looging.
2) Easier to learn and to set up a blog. To get at least some features on a blog here you need to modify template. Thats a hard, time consuming work, that will better pay off in Wordpress.
3) They are just better looking and easier to post. Maybe even have their own tools or apps.
Thought of moving my blog away grom got stronger and I will consider it as a serious option, because I dont need a dead blog. I have a lot to post. FAST!!!
P.S. Edited this entry. Why? Wrote it (with all HTML tags) in OmmWriter and the emailed to this blog... and got HTML tags written, encided and displayed wrong. Of course I am pissed to work in this terrible editor. Why? It has a lot of features, who do not I like it? Because it is ugly and hard to use!
P.P.S. More deleting. Adding tags. Even more pissed... Desperate not to come back here.
P.P.P.S. I needed to edit once more. Now I am sure about the ansver of the topic. I do not like to post here. Too much time and effort for a little nice thought. And posting took twice more time than writing the story!
AND FUCKING SPANNING (displaying the full story after link in the end) IS STILL NOT WORKING. I am done. And gone. Soon there will be a post where to find my blog I like to write!!!
Does not spanning work anymore? This should not be seen on the first page
Viss raksts... /
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Saturday, June 12, 2010
App Choice
Methodically choosing the best app for the purpose.
Once, writing a period tracking calendar into Numbers on my Mac, I thought that this should be a good topic to an iPhone app. Why: the only way to get such data is user entries, there should be some statistics and graphs and a possibility to plan the next period.
If this is a good topic, then there should be a bunch of such apps in appstore allready.
What do I need? I need a nice way to track period. Enter data easily, graphs of length of cycles, graph of length and strength of periods, some notes or place where I can write down medication taken, oh, and I need to sync all that with my MacBook - I should be able to enter data on iPhone and on MacBook and it should sync automatically. Id prefer not keeping such private data on a cloud, but just sync between devices I own.
What do I not need? Pregnancy calculators, "safe" sex calculators (calendar method? let me laugh on that).
Now Im going out to appstore to look for an app for these purposes. Id prefer to find just one - the one I need. Searching word "period" I found 136 apps… Too much to review even some are obvoiusly for another purposes, but half of it is too much, too.
Searching word "menstrual", there were 53 apps and almost all of them for the right purpose.
How to find the one I need not trying out (or not at least downloading and reading descriptions of) 50 apps?
They all must have a calendar. How about using "menstrual sync" for synchronization feature I need? 0 apps. Im getting pissed! "menstrual synchronization" - 0 apps. That search works just on 1 word. Very poor search I say!
I have no choice than go with the word "menstrual" and >50 apps. Oh, thanks, Apple :@
Ill try to download from the beginning of the list (most popular, that in no way means that better than those in the bottom of the list - of course they are more popular, because they are on top, and they gonna get more popular for the same reason). Ill read descriptions of those which by icons seem right and check for any synchronization option. These with no sync, I wont even try to download.
-iPeriod looks not very good, but best in appstore
-Free Menstrual Calendar lacks some features and just online sync, but its free
-My cycles is free, bud discarded because demanding OS version 3.1.3., I have a jailbroken 3.1.2. and not going to upgrade until iOS 4
- Period tracker Deluxe seems worth trying - rated with 4 stars, that is much for this kind of app
- Woman Calendar is 9,99, Im interested to see it, is it really sooo good;
-Woman calendar. 9,99 for what? NONE usable chart!!! This is not the calendar to monitor my weight and height! I need period length and cycle length, you idiots. Im glad I didn't pay for the ap.
-Period tracker seems offering some good graphs, but I cannt get the idea on how to enter any data. And it crushed before i entered a piece. It offers to add notes and symptoms, not a menstrual calendar. I found the way of entering the first day of the cycle and it automatically without any notice or bleeding strength made the count of the days 4.
-Free Menstrual Calendar made me to register (not with my own name of course) and I got the temperature and weight charts again… And no way to export to my computer (csv, numbers e.t.c), even not from web.
Looked at all 50 descriptions and screenshots. NONE had graphs I'd like. NONE! The best I can get out of cycles are days of them and of period in a small table.
You can laugh now - that all makes Woman Calendar best (of available) for the purpose. There were couple equally good, but I was too lazy to download, if I can not get anything better than I already have.
It has no good graph, but it is fast and data can be exported.
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Thursday, June 10, 2010
Vecums nenāk viens. Skleroze
iPhone 4 apspriešanas karstumā sāku atcerēties, ka ziemā redzēju iPhone 3GS pārdošanā kādas (metro) stacijas tunelī. Un labu laiku mēģināju atcerēties, kurā stacijā tas bija. Pēc ilgām pūlēm atcerējos, ka Diseldorfā pie Timberland veikala. Atmiņas process šajā rakstā. Tas tunelis man šad tad ir bijis kā acu priekšā un ka tik ne sapņos rādījies. Laikam būs atstājis ievērojamāku iespaidu kā varētu gaidīt no metro tuneļa Diseldorfas centrā, pa kuru kāpām ārā gandrīz katrreiz, kad no viesnīcas, kas nebija centrā, devāmies uz veikalu ielām.
Atmiņas tirdīšana sākās šodien, lasot diskusijas par iPhone 4 un kad tas varētu būt LV, piemēram,, un atceroties Steve Jobs prezentācijā minēto, ka Vācijā un Somijā, kuras tā kā grasos apmeklēt atkal, iPhone 4 būs jau no jūlija. Tad sāku domāt par to vai būs ar obligātu ilgtermiņa līgumu, vai tomēr būs pieejami arī dārgāk, bet bez. Tāda opcija man ļautu nopirkt iPhone 4 jau jūlijā.
Tad arī atcerējos to tuneli, kurā bija kiosks. Kioskā tika tirgoti iPhone 3GS un 3G ar un bez pieslēgumiem par dažādām cenām, bet labākais 3GS bez līguma bija par 999EUR. Biju Diseldorfā 2009. gada decembrī. Vairākas dienas. Iepirkāmies, pārvietojāmies ar metro. iPhone 3GS tika izsludināts kaut kad pērnajā vasarā (tagad ir 2010. gada vasara). Kiosks un tunelis acu priekšā, bet nomocījos atceroties, kad un kurā pilsētā tie bija.
Atcerējos, izmocot no sevis arvien vairāk no tuneļa apkārtnes. Ieeja Zsv tirdziņā, Timberland veikals. Centrs. Pie kanāla vai kas tas par ūdens veidojumu iet pa Diseldorfas centru. Tagad man stāv priekšā izaicinājums, ņemot palīgā metro karti (1 vai 2 pieturas no centrālās stacijas un apmēram atceros virzienu) un to, ka tieši pie Timberland veikala mēģināšu atrast stacijas nosaukumu, jo nu jau tas mani nopietni intriģē. Vizuāli atceros visu apkārtni, bet pagaidām nevienu nosaukumu. Veikalu iela ar kanālu, ka tik ne Kaisers kaut kas, bet neatceros.
Tagad 2010.06.10 01:25. Eju meklēt.
2010.06.10 01:32 Turu aizdomās Heinrich-Heine-Allee pēc Google maps. Pie parka un pie vecpilsētas, tuvākā, braucot pār upi no viesnīcas, 2 tramvaju plūsmas saplūst u.c. ticamas pazīmes. Jāprecizē, kur ir Timberland veikals un tad būs 100% pārliecība.
2010.06.10 01:42 Pagāja brīdis līdz pēc nejēdzīgas izrakāšanās pa globālo Timberland lapu (com), nonācu, kur, izvēloties no saraksta Düsseldorf, nav vairs nekādu šaubu.
Pareizā atbilde ir Heinrich-Heine-Allee metro stacijas tunelis ir tas tunelis, kas ļoti ieperinājies manā atmiņā.
Laikam jāņem atpakaļ teksts, ka Diseldorfā jau īsti nav, ko redzēt. Ir.
Heinrich-Heine-Allee, 40213 Düsseldorf, Germany jeb U-bahnhof.
Manis apcerētā tuneļa galā uz leju bija kādā šāda pietura:
Joprojām brīnos par to kā pēc pus gada ļoti maz ko atceros no ceļojuma. Vilšanās sevī.
Prieks par internetu un spēju tajā atrast vietu un pierādījumus, ka tā ko vizuāli ļoti atceros, ir pareizā vieta.
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Labels: atstāsts, doma, memory remains
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Installous update kills Cydia
Atjaunināju Installous app un atkal nosprāga Cydia. | Again! While updating Installous app Cydia permanently crushed. |
Pie kļūdainas updates nokrita, iPhone pārstartējās. Cydia tikai atvērās un aizvērās. Nav sanācis laika meklēt pareizo risinājumu un šīs, gan jau ne tikai mani skārušās, problēmas cēloni. Pagaidām risinu ar Rock app Reinstalējot Installous. Pēc kārtīgas pārinstalācijas arī Cydia atdzīvojas. Kāpēc tā un kā to nokopt pieklājīgi, nav ne jausmas. | In time of Installous (bugged) update, iPhone restarted itself. After those minutes of fun I could not start Cydia. It just closed right after opened. I have not googled for a cause and official solution for this problem. No time yet. I got Cydia and Installous back to life by reinstalling Installous using Rock app. I have no idea, why this happens and how to solve the problem for a longer time than till next update. |
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Labels: iPhone, jautājums / question, technical
Sunday, April 11, 2010
Lattelecom iTV stream addresses
mms:// – LTV1
mms:// – LTV7
mms:// – LNT
mms:// – TV5
Viss raksts... /
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Wednesday, April 7, 2010
Bad updates of iPhone apps
This happened again. The version of Evernote is too new to be compatible with the version of my iPhones firmware 3.1.2 (jailbroken - that is what makes me skip minor firmware updates). Evernotes last update is for iPad which I dont have (like most of you ;) )
iTunes deinstalled the older version of Evernote, but is unable to install the newest one...
What to do?!?
The simplest thing to do is:
1) attach a Mac OS backup disk
2) Find in [backup disk]/users/[username]/music/itunes/Mobile Applications/Evernote.ipa
or find Evernote (uncracked v.3.0.2 25.07.2009) here
3) Drag and drop Evernote.ipa to iTunes icon in Dock
4) Attach your iPhone
5) In iTunes Devices/
6) Sync the iPhone
And Evernote must be back on your iPhone (it is at mine :))
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Labels: iPhone
Monday, March 15, 2010
To Swithch User on a Locked Mac
A while ago I wrote on how to make a Mac available to other users while your own is locked here.
But my favorite guest user found much simpler way.
I dont need to leave the computer with Login Window open to make it available.
On the lock screen when Mac OS automatically locks my user (there are such Security settings) there is a button... Switch User...
Yes, it is sooo simple and it was built in Mac OS X :)))
And yes, my favorite guest user has used Mac just couple of times and knows almost nothing about computers. I am :))
Dont assume anything, just look eyes wide open - Mac just works :))
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Labels: Mac
SuperDuper! uzkaras un Startup disk is full... ko nu?
Gļukains ārējais HDD regulāri atvienojas pats un tad ziņo, ka esot nekārtīgi atvienots.
Tomēr mēģināju uz tā izveidot backupu, lai varētu sakopt sistēmu, likvidēt otru backupu un tad sakopt backup disku.
Vakarā izskatījās, ka smuki kopējas.
No rīta £$%$%^$%...
SuperDuper! paziņojis kļūdu, bet tas mazākais. Uz Macintosh HD ir brīvi 13Mb. Vakarā vēl bija padsmit Gb, tāpēc arī uzreiz nepamanīju atšķirību...
Pārstartēšana to kešu neiztīra. Brīvi 150Mb :( Turklāt nestartējas ne Finder, ne Dock, ne kā...
Arī pagooglēt ar tādu datoru nevar.
Te talkā nāca iPhone. Sagooglēju shirt-pocket forumā līdzīgu gadījumu.
Bija no sākta gala aizdomas, ka SuperDuper! piekakājis, tikai galīgi nebija skaidrs, kuru vietu tieši.
Iestartējos no otra backup diska. Šo slimo backup partīciju izdzēsu un pārsaucu citā vārdā, t.i., lai tā problēmpartīcija vairs nebūtu pievienota.
Atradu failiņu, kurā bija aprakstīts, kā piedabūt Finder rādīt slēptos failus un izpildīju komandrindu un pārstartēju Finderi.
Tagad uz Macintosh HD kļuva redzams folderis Volumes.
Un Volumes satur folderi, kas saucas tāpat kā tas nelaimīgais backup disks.
Izdzēsu to folderi, iztīrīju miskasti.
Iebootojos atpakaļ Macintosh HD un voila - brīvi mazpadsmit Gb :)
Šo te visu rakstu tāpēc, ka atmiņa īsa un nekur nav izslēgts, ka šāds negadījums nevar atkārtoties...
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Labels: Mac
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Could not find a good way to call from iPhone to a number found on my Mac
What do I want?
To call or send a sms to a phone number found on the Internet using my Mac.
I'd like to make a shortcut to something that calls the selected umber from iPhone.
Is it too much to ask?
Yes it is!
BluePhone Elite does not work on iPhone.
iCloud is sooooo stuffed with things I dont need. Its heavy even on my Mac (using Firefox browser)...
And its the same file sharing as Dropbox, Google docs etc. I can not start a call from there.
Still the easiest way to start a call is to email the number to myself, open the letter from my iPhone and call the number in the letter. Oher as good way is to send the number in a sms from computer.
Quite an effort anyway, but I still dont know a faster way :(( Not good for iPhone at all
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Labels: atstāsts, jautājums / question, Mac, technical
Tuesday, February 16, 2010
Re: Use true full-screen browsing mode in Firefox 3.6
This email was sent to you by nex at because they thought you might be interested in this article from This is not SPAM and the email addresses involved in this transaction were not saved to a list or stored for later use.
nex wrote: A good Firefox fullscreen hint
Use true full-screen browsing mode in Firefox 3.6
Thu, Feb 11 2010 at 7:30AM PST
Contributed by: WCityMike
Just a quick note to mention that Firefox version 3.6 brings Firefox's 'Full Screen' feature for the Mac for the first time -- try it out by selecting View » Full Screen. Once enabled, it actually goes into true full screen mode just like its Windows counterpart: the menu bar disappears, the toolbar and URL entry area vanish, as does the Dock. Cool!
[robg adds: To exit full screen mode, just press Shift-Command-F again.]
Comment on this hint at
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Re: Easily quit running apps on a passcode-locked iPhone
This email was sent to you by nex at because they thought you might be interested in this article from This is not SPAM and the email addresses involved in this transaction were not saved to a list or stored for later use.
nex wrote: Useful hint
Easily quit running apps on a passcode-locked iPhone
Mon, May 11 2009 at 7:30AM PDT
Contributed by: jtb
If you are running an app (e.g. Pandora, Simplify Music) while your passcode-protected iPhone is locked, you can easily quit the app by tapping the Emergency Call button on the bottom left of the screen.
This saves you the trouble from having to enter in your passcode to quit an app that is running while your iPhone is locked.
Note that this hint only works with the iPhone; it does not work with the iPod touch.
Comment on this hint at
Posted by
Wednesday, February 3, 2010
Laura Voutilainen Palaa
Heard her singing @DTM (Helsinki) last summer.
This song was my favorite and the last one she sang.
Viime yönä taas
Samaa unta näin
Kuljit rantaviivaa pitkin vierelläin
Aallot nousi pintaan
Ylös meren pintaan
Yhteen painauduimme kiinni sylikkäin
Unisena maa
Kohta heräilee
Kylmä tuuli vetää verhot huoneeseen
Muistan kosketuksen
Muistan kuiskauksen
Muistan kaiken, enkä tahdo unohtaa
Vielä palaa
Tänä yönä saavu uudestaan
Valmis olen kaiken antamaan
Vielä kerran, yhden kerran
Vielä palaa
Unestani etsin aina vaan
Sydäntemme merta keinuvaa
Siihen rantaan saavu uudestaan
Siihen rantaan vielä palaa
Mikä meidät saa
Aina kulkemaan
Niin kuin laivat satamasta satamaan
Muistan kosketuksen
Meren huokauksen
Odotathan mua siellä tänään taas
Vielä palaa
Tänä yönä saavu uudestaan
Valmis olen kaiken antamaan
Vielä kerran, yhden kerran
Vielä palaa
Unestani etsin aina vaan
Sydäntemme merta keinuvaa
Siihen rantaan
Yöllä kerran
Siihen rantaan
Vielä kerran
Unestani etsin aina vaan
Sydäntemme merta keinuvaa
Siihen rantaan saavu uudestaan
Siihen rantaan vielä palaa
Posted by
Labels: love song, memory remains
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Uzjundīja atmiņas par vecām darba intervijām
Pirms daudziem gadiem gāju uz darba intervijām. Jaunība un pretī reti muļķīgi jautājumi un personāži.
Viens jauns IT čalis pajautāja, vai es ar tādu izglītību un prasmēm to darbu gribot, jo esot stāvoklī :D
Lielā un it kā cienījamā firmā. Kā nekā sev aizvietotāju meklēja. Laikam nebiju gana "cienīga".
Družka pēc šī atstāsta nosecināja, ka IT sfērā pilns ar šovinistiem.
Viss stāsts bija saistībā ar tagad nosacīti lielu "šišku" LV mērogiem lielā uzņēmumā, kas pat epastus par to, ka atkal "kavēsies" algas, atsūta tieši tādu pašu kā pirms mēneša - pamainīts 1 teikums un summa, kas tomēr tiek izmaksāta, kļuvusi mazāka. Atvainojiet, bet šo ļoti labi apmaksāto un ar pajaunu dienesta Volvo apveltīto subjektu taču varētu aizstāt viens samērā vienkāršs MS Outlook macros...
Ja $ nevar atrast, tātad par finansēm atbild slikti, IMHO. Bet My humble Opinion tiešām nevienu neinteresē. Laikam jau labi, ka tā :)
Šajā kontekstā arī uzpeldēja manā atmiņā laiki, kad jams vēl mazo cilvēku darba intervijas uzklausīja.
Intervija bija pamurgaina pati par sevi, bet tas vēl tā - es arī tad vēl biju jauna un šajā ziņā duma, tā ka kāds % vainas varētu būt arī mans, kgan clv, kas ir gandrīz 10 gadus vecāks, it ka vajadzētu būt gudrākam. Bet nebija vis.
Pa to starpu uzpeldēja jautājums, par ko es grasoties balsot tolaik pēc cik tur mēnešiem paredzētajā referendumā par LV iestāšanos ES. Centos izvairīties no atbildes uz šo jautājumu, jo jau sen biju izlēmusi, ka balsošu PRET. Saprotamu iemeslu pēc negribēju to tā tieši teikt, jo tak tā no acu skatiena nezināju šis ir par vai pret. Ak vai, šis, uzskatīdams mani par apaļu duru, no tās izvairīšanās laikam taču saprata, ka es neesmu izlēmusi un nolasīja garu lekciju par to, kāpēc vajadzētu balsot PAR.
Aber viss, ko es biju gribējusi pateikt, bija, ka jautājumi par politiskajiem uzskatiem ir pilnīgi un galīgi nepiedienīgi darba intervijai.
Tas, ka kkāds priekšnieķelis mani uzskatīja par apaļu duru, gan netraucēja ieņemamai vietiņai kādā apakšstruktūrā tomēr atrasties. Tātad laikam apaļa dura arī bija tieši tas, kas vajadzīgs.
Cilvēki "te lejā" tomēr ir mazliet sakarīgāki. Un bija laiki, kad bizness tiešām gāja uz augšu.
Tagad gan tas ir gandrīz atgriezies apmēram turpat, kur tas bija senajos, aprunātas intervijas laikos.
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