Saturday, January 22, 2011

Mac OS Hint: URL shortener. Tried it

Tried out an advice | found in Macworld (dec 2010). It is a service for Automator to shorten an URL from any application to clipboard.
I wanted to use it with, hoping to see URLs I shorten in my history. That means, I needed to change the script  provided by the hint. 

I changed the RETURN part of script to 

return (do shell script "/usr/bin/curl '" & (item 1 of the input) & "'")

where MY_LOGIN is my login name and MY_API_KEY - my API key.
I got the service working well, but returning a bunch of useless text.

My mistake was using default response format (json). Ineeded plain text to paste.

return (do shell script "/usr/bin/curl '" & (item 1 of the input) & "&format=txt'")

The second attempt is just fine. The service works well.
Except Twitter app which shortens any URL it gets without asking me, making a quite long in comparison to URL with

And now the key question: where in hell do you need shortened URLs except Twitter? As you see, in this blog I do not shorten URLs for you to se, where they are going to lead you...
Nice service for "Do it yourself", if you are trying it just for fun.

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