Friday, January 28, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
iPhone app. Time teller
I was running to catch a bus. I had an iphone playing music in my earphones. It was a cold winter evening and "good" times after economical crisis. Not the time of waving an iphone in hands.
As there was a shortage of time I'd love my iphone to tell me time in earphones right from the jnside pocket.
Huge surprise - there is no such app in appstore.
There are some time tellers, but they are telling time once in quarter of an hour or even more seldom.
I looked for any app, not caring about price. None for the purpose.
On my way to bus I need an app that tells time in every 5min or more often.
It would be nice if that app did that just when I am running to a bus, not all the time. It would be better just start on the rigt time, announce the time and quit...
Here you are! A good app idea for free ;)
An free example I found in appstore. Useless for my purpose, but it shows that an app announcing time is possible.
Posted by nex at 01:39 0 comments
Labels: doma, iPhone, jautājums / question, palīdziet / help, technical
Svētdienas blogotājs?
Izskatās, ka man ir izdevies kļūt par svētdienas blogotāju. Visbiežāk kaut ko uzrakstu tieši svētdienās.
Cēloņi tam ir pašsaprotami. Darbdienās nav laika. Sestdienās gribas vienkārši atpūsties. Tomēr nereti arī sestdienās nākas kaut kur braukt vai kaut ko darīt.
Ja atrodas brīva nedēļas nogale, tad svētdien pret dienas vidu jau sāk gribēties kaut ko uzrakstīt vai citādi interesantu darīt...
Posted by nex at 00:46 0 comments
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Svētdiena atpūtas krēslā
Posted by nex at 17:20 0 comments
Labels: doma, jautājums / question, technical