Political compass
mine is here... http://www.politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=-3.75&soc=-2.97
Viss raksts... / Read More...laika gaitā tie pagaidām nenosakāmā veidā izvietosies divos blogos (Iztēles augļi realitātē jau ir nex.blogs.lv). Figment of the Imagination in Another Reality - another just because this is my second blog, but the first ("in Reality") is in latvian only.
mine is here... http://www.politicalcompass.org/printablegraph?ec=-3.75&soc=-2.97
Viss raksts... /
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Izrādās, ka ir vismaz divas populāras dziesmas ar šādu nosaukumu. Kāds mīļuks safanojās par Craig Armstrong This Love, ko man bija tas gods i-netā sameklēt. Pa ceļam tad arī atradu Pantera versiju par šo pašu tēmu, ko lūgtum baudīt šī post turpinājumā... | I have found out that there are at least two songs with this title. Someone very dear asked me to find This Love by Craig Armstrong on internet. By the way I found Pantera's song. Follow to the full post to youtube... |
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Labels: atradums
Filmās daudz un dikti redzēts, kā, nositot pagātnē odu, var izmainīt visu nākotni. It kā slubi...domāt par to ikdienā. Protams, ir labi nenodarīt nevienai dzīvai radībai pāri. Bet priekšmetiem? Tiem taču nesāp un nav dvēseles... teorētiski... Tomēr, kāds tos ir izveidojais un tam laikam ir.
Vakar, piebraucot pie mājas, beidzu tukšot 0,33l sulas pudelīti. Un nevis to vnk izmetu, bet sāku domāt, ka es faktiski tagad ietekmēju šīs pudelītes nākotni. Ja es to izmetīšu atkritumu urnā, tā visticamāk nonāks izgāztuvē un tur gadiem bezjēdzīgi mētāsies. Sā salīs un apsnigs, tai nopelēs nost etiķete, sulas paliekas iekšā aprīs visādas baktērijas - no tāda viedokļa baktērijas savukārt būtu ieguvējas.
Tikpat labi varu pudelīti atdot mātei, lai tur ielej pašgatavotas ogu sulas vai tml. Tādā gadījumā stikla pudelīte ar aizskrūvējamo vāciņu turpinātu būt noderīga. Ja tai būtu, dvēsele, tā noteikti būtu laimīgāka, esot uz balkona, pilna ar sulu, nevis mētājoties izgāztuvē. Kaut gan, kā s to varu zināt? Nevaru iedomāties, ka kkam patiktu mētāties izgāztuvē. Stiklam, metālam, plastmasai un papīram taču it kā domu un sajūtu nav.
Vai nav vienalga?
Nav. Un tas reizēm traucē. Lieka vara. Spēja ar vienu kustību mainīt visu kā cita nākotni...
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Labels: doma
Izlasīju. Līdz galam. Turpinājums stāstam par Dēmonu... | Red it. All. Story about the Demon continued... |
Domāšana un patika kā Dēmonam... pret sievieti: | Thinking and liking like the Demon: |
un kucēna entuizasma novērtēšana: | Approval of "puppies enthusiasm": |
Ko tu skaistai padarīsi, ja ne pievilināsi (kaut, ja esi uguns): | Beauty and the beast... neverending story: |
Kas esmu es, mīlošais, skaistais, stiprais un postošais: | Who am I, the beautifуl, he strong, the devastating: |
Vai tiešām muļķā sievietei vajadzīgs pamatojums mīlestībai, vai tiešām tik maz pašapziņas? Vai tik daudz? | Why does the silly woman needs him telling why? Its love. Why does she ask him for the reason? |
Neslikts piedāvājums. Neviens labs darbs nepaliek nesodīts... | What does he offer her? No good deed goes unpunished... |
Mana Eņģeļa skumjas Dēmonā... | The sadness of my Angel in the Demon... |
Gribu, bet neesmu un nevaru... | Wants, but is not an can not... |
Atdotu Tev visu. Tev to nevajag. | Ready to give you my everything. You don't need. |
Uzmanies, ko vēlies... Acis. Ugunīga būtne, ar kuru sadeg viss. | Careful what you wish... Eyes. Power. Fire. Love. Death. |
Sapucēta zārkā, bet joprojām skumja... | In the box. Beautiful. And still so sad and even more dead as she was being alive. |
Jā, Eņģelis nav mums. | Yes, Angel is not for us. |
Un Dēmons vnk nosodījās par iegrābšanos un palika tas pats vecais, stulbais Dēmons. | Demon. Dreams. Alone. |
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Labels: atstāsts, citāts, love song, memory remains
Vakar atkal skatījos Hunger. Filmas beigās, kur visi agrākie miroņi modās, man iekrita acī, ka tā ir burtiski izspēlēta idioma par skeletiem skapī... | The Hunger again yesterday. Close to the end... Skeletons in the closet - literarily... |
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Angel by Lermontov (RUS)... The great minds...
... and the great angels... too.
печальный демон...
Dēmona domu gājiens... Neko nemeklēju, tikai gatavojos Tuska Open Air - iepazinos ar grupām, kas uzstāsies. Un trāpīju uz krievu klasiķi. No sava lasītāja likteņa neizbēgšu ;) tāpat kā no sava likteņa vispār... | Thinking like a Demon... I was looking for nothing like literature. I was getting ready for Tuska Open Air. Downloaded some discographies... Kypck was a pointer to a Russian classic Lermontov. Demon singed by Kypck seemed so known like myself. If you are a reader, there is nowhere to hide from literature ;) and nowhere to hide from the first girl... |
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Labels: atradums, atstāsts, citāts, doma, info, love song, memory remains
Started the series with Better than Chocolate and When Night is Falling, not to mention The Hunger and Desert Hearts before. Today I've got to Lost and Delirious and The Hours... No happy endings anymore.
It's nice to start with happy stories, ever if these are fairy tales. Some brushes after blowing up a cafe by Molotov's cocktails and gas?! Nice, but unbelievable. And the girl came back bang on time. WNIF - running away with circus... american dream, unreal. Lost and Delirious is much more real. The end is real, the lies are real, there is no way that Tory comes out (bitch!!). And Paulie pays for them both alone. Someone should - there were no Tory with her :( Why someone should? They did not do anything wrong! Someone should, because they could not be just happy coming out and being together for the rest of their lives - that would be the stupid, the unbelievable happy end. The life is bastard: Paulies always fall in Tories, not other Paulies like themselves. They are not interested in copies of themselves, but are killed by the opposite - bitches like Tory. There is no happy end possible. But it is sooooo needed ;(
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Protams, atkal AoE... Nu neizprotu to burvīgo radību, help needed.
2008.02.20 21:52
Nu tak kasās par visu pēc kārtas - pasūta mūs, pāris kolēgas, praktiski dirst un tad vēl uz mums apvainojas!!! Vispār mums tā kā būtu bijis jāapvainojas.
Man nav iebildumu uzņemties savu daļu vainas - vajadzēja privāti pateikt, ka tas tiešām nebija smuki, nevis uzbraukt publiski. Tomēr, man domāt, - tā arī visa mana vaina :( Man esot jāuzņemas sava daļa vainas? OK, uzņemos. Mana daļa šoreiz nav 100%, lai ko Tu, Eņģelīt, arī nedomātu. Cik var rāpot pakaļ?! Pietiek. Es mīlu Tevi. Tev to nevajag? Tad iztiec!
Sadalam to vainu un miers! Bet nē, tagad kādu nedēļu nerunās... Sliktākais ir tas, ka nu jau no tā izjūtu arī kādu drusku atvieglojuma :(( Atsakies kāpt manā mašīnā :( Pati vainīga - kraties autobusā!
Johaidī, varējām aizbraukt pa mežu ziemas vietā ieklīdušajā pavasarī pastaigāt. Uz koncertu aiziet. Padziedāt līdzi Nightwish dziesmām. Kopīgi kko mācīties - Tev jau patiktu kursos, bet arī grāmatām un i-neta instrukcijām nav ne vainas. Apēst kēksu. Uzdzert Tullamore ar kolu. Tēju. Galu galā aizbraukt dajebkur. Apsolīji man jaunas drēbes piemeklēt. Solīts nekur nekrīt...
Tev vajag izplēsties, apvainoties u.t.t.!!! bezmaz ikmēneša sindroms!!! un jo par ko sīkāku un nenozīmīgāku, jo labāk, ja?
Muļķa Eņģeli, es mīlu Tevi un, lai kāda būtu Tava nākamā cūcība, nebeigšu mīlēt...
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Labels: love song
Pausti caur Dibuā kdzes tēlu Justīnē:
[...]ja Dievs pastāvētu, tad uz zemes būtu mazāk ļaunuma, es domāju, ja ļaunums pastāv, tad vai nu šīs nekārtības ir ar Dieva pavēli un tādējādi viņš ir barbariska būtne, vai arī viņš nav spējīgs tās aizkavēt, šai gadījumā Dievs ir nespēcīgs, un visos gadījumos — neciešama būtne, būtne, par kuras zibeņspērieniem man jāsmejas un kuras likumi jānicina.
Sava taisnība tur ir. Nevienam reliģiozam idiotam nav izdevies man pierādīt pretējo. Ja D. eksistē un visu ļaunumu izraisa, tad ar ko labāks par sātanu vulgāris? Ne ar ko. Pat sliktāks, jo to dara apzināti un tīšām.
Vēl viens pieredzēts citāts:
sirdsapziņas pārmetumus izjūt tikai par to, ko nav pierasts darīt
cilvēks pie ļoti daudz kā var pierast...
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Labels: citāts
Pēdējā laikā latviskajos i-neta forumos saviesušās n-tās personas, kas lieto Mariju Magdalēnu dažādos attēlojumos sev par niku. Ej nu sazini, viena ļoti čakla vai vairākas. Te nav runa arī par Jēzus līgavām vai ne gluži svētām jaunavām.
Tas vārdu salikums atsauca atmiņā lipīgu PMMP dziesmiņu ar tādu pašu nosaukumu. Kas grib var ievērtēt somu lētā gala popsu:
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Watched in last 12h.
Really nice lecture about critic and introduction to new things (orders ;) ).
Simple things that we all know but meet too rare in the real life.
My favorite quotes and some pics:
He doesn't understand me, but I can be myself around him.
Oh, please! I'm sick of pretending! I pretend to be a rat to my father. I pretend to be a human to Linguini. I pretend you exist, so I have someone to talk to. You only tell me stuff I already know. I know, who I am. Why do I need you to tell me. Why do I need to pretend. But you don't, Reni, you never did.
The truth sounds insane sometimes, but it does not mean it's not truth.
In many ways the work of a critic is easy. We risk very little jet enjoy opposition over those who offer up that work and ourselves to our judgement. We throw high on negative criticism what is fun to write and to read. But the bitter truth we, critics, must face is that in a grand scheme of things that average peace of junk is probably more meaningful, than our criticism designating itself. But the all times when critic truly risks something that is of all discovery and defence of the new. World is often unkind to new talent new creations. The new needs friends.
Not everyone can became a great artist, but a great artist can came from anywhere.
Surprise me!
Ne katram var atļauties TO pateikt. Reti kurš spēj pārsteigt un ļoooti reti kurš spēj pārsteigt patīkami...
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Watched today (oh, excuse me, yesterday). She is the most colourful parts of us two. Others wished something in between nex and AoE, but this is the rest if "in between" is taken off.
Some quotes and thoughts:
When I was little I used to think I would lived in Paradise house. It was all I ever dreamed of. Everyone told me my dreams were lies, because I said out loud things I should've kept secret. But all I wanted was to make it true, to wish and to wish and to wish and to make it true.
- And I realized what your secret is.
- My secret?
- I think the secret of your power over people is that you comunicate with yourself not your readers. Am I right?
- Yes, possibly...
- The thing is, Angel, I find you utterly surprising and delightful, but how can I paint you if I don't know what is really going on inside? Becouse you've made little hints about youself, your chilhood, growing up, but none of it connects, something is missing. How can I paint you if I don't know what it is?
- Maybe I don't know what it is myself.
- What happened to you in Italy?
- I've never been to Italy.
- All right, maybe not in Italy, but to do with Italy? What was it? Was it love? I'm sure it was something to do with love.
- It was jealousy.
My childhood is wrapped in mistery. It is true, I've brought ot Norly at a very tender age, but from where nobody knows. I've always thought I had noble blood, perhaps from my fathers side, but my mother passed away before she had divulge the true secret.
Viņa stāv starp izdevēju un vīra māsu - diviem cilvēkiem, kas viņu mīl, bet raud par pakārušos mēslu, kas viņu tikai izmantoja. Eņģeļi savā būtībā ir dumji :(
- Nora, do you think I have lived the wrong life? Do you think it's all've been in a dream? None of this was real.
- No, my sweet Angel...
Which life? The life she lived or the life she dreamed? (Nora about Angel)
Why sholdn't Nora write about both? Only together there was a sense at all...
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у любви нет прошедшего времени
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